Tuna and Swordfish
Our long line wild-caught yellowfin, bluefin, bigeye and swordfish are fished in Indian and Atlantic Oceans off the South African coastline (fishing zone FAO 47), by our 5 contracted supply vessels, for fresh exports, mainly to the USA and Japan.
Bigeye (Thunnus Obesus)
Swordfish (Xiphias Gladius)
Bluefin (Thunnus Thynnus)
Yellowfin (Thunnus Albacares)
The highest quality fish are carefully selected, quality graded and packed HGT (Headed, Gutted and Tailed) at our land-based facility in Durban and contracted land-based facility in Cape Town.
The vessels are longliners that go out to sea for 5-7 days, ensuring top quality when the product is landed. The cold chain is meticulously maintained with ice onboard the vessels, slurry ice is added at offload point and arrives at the processing facility in top condition.
Seasonal Availability
The season is all year round, with better catches in the winter months and weaker catches in the summer months.
We export only first-grade South African origin fresh Tuna and Swordfish that is catch certificate compliant and NOAA approved.